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Vaccination and Immunization

Comprehensive and practical overview of veterinary vaccination and immunization. The purpose is to provide veterinary students with the requisite knowledge, comprehension, and practical application of vaccination and the role of immunology to prevent diseases in all species.  Course will cover the biological development, immunologic concepts, and types of vaccines as well as methods of delivery and administration.


  • To develop knowledge and understanding of vaccinology and the biological development of vaccines.

  • To develop a working understanding of immunology and the relevant immunologic concepts.

  • To learn the fundamentals of vaccination including the various types of vaccines and methods of delivery and administration.

  • To learn and understand the safety and efficacy of vaccination.

  • To learn vaccination protocols including core and non-core vaccines for each species.



Saville – 3 hours

First hour on a disease where no vaccine is efficacious. Second hour is on Principles of Vaccination. Third hour is on Equine vaccination protocol.

  • To understand the use of risk factor analysis in prevention of diseases where there is no efficacious vaccine (e.g. EPM).
  • To understand the principles behind vaccinology, the types of vaccines available for routine vaccine protocols, as well as, in the face of an infectious disease outbreak in all species.
  • To understand the protocols for routine vaccination in equines in all age groups. In addition, to have a sound knowledge of what vaccines are core (necessary) and those that are not core.

Wilhelm – 1 hour

This will entail vaccine protocol for beef calves.

  • Understanding the considerations for establishing a vaccine program, including, but not limited to: geographic region, type of cattle operation, frequency of introducing new stock, and export or interstate shipping requirements.
  • Recognizing critical points of calf health before vaccines are considered, such as, dam nutrition, care of the newborn, sanitation, and housing.
  • Discerning between recommended and optional vaccines for a given beef operation and timing of vaccines based on age and handlings.

Bond – 1 hour

This will entail vaccine protocols for viral diseases in dairy cows.

  • Understand the difference between modified live and killed vaccines for viral diseases in dairy cattle.
  • Be able to identify the four main respiratory viral pathogens that are commonly vaccinated against in dairy cattle.

Welker – 1 hour

This will entail vaccine protocols for beef cows.

  • The student will be able to identify the various segments of the cattle industry (feedlot, cow-calf, stocker cattle, etc.)
  • The student should be able to put together a vaccination program for these various situations: Cow-calf operations, Open heifers, Breeding stock, Feedlot cattle, Show cattle and Calves.

Gordon – 1 hour

This will entail vaccine protocols for bacterial diseases in dairy cows.

  • Students will learn the CORE bacterial vaccines for dairy herds, when they are given and why they are given.
  • Students will understand the effect bovine vaccines have on stimulating humoral and cell mediated immunity.
  • Students will be given an overview of NON-CORE vaccine for dairy herds.

Masterson – 1 hour

This will entail vaccine protocols for veal calves.

  • Student will understand why veal calves are difficult to vaccinate. Very little control because some come with colostrum antibody and some don’t and only at farm for 23 weeks.
  • Maximum vaccine but don’t know if they work.

Bowman – 1 hour

This will entail vaccine protocols for swine.

  • List the swine diseases commonly controlled with vaccines and describe the most appropriate time in a pig’s life to vaccinate for those diseases.
  • Summarize basic principles for vaccine use in swine.
  • Describe the role of autogenous vaccines in the swine industry.

El-Gazzar – 1 hour

This will entail vaccine protocols for poultry.

  • To understand the concepts and variables that goes into decision making of designing or adjusting poultry vaccination program.
  • To be able to design or adjust a complex vaccination schedule against multiple infectious poultry diseases.

O’Quin – 2 hours

This will entail vaccine protocols for canines and felines as well as shelters.

  • Learn core vaccination protocol for clinical practice.
  • Learn core vaccination protocol for animal shelters.
  • Understand differences in protocol based on risk factors.
  • Select appropriate vaccine type for each pathogen

Dennis – 1 hour

This will entail discussion of the challenges of establishing vaccine protocols for zoological collections by adapting programs using vaccines currently used in the domesticated species.

  • To understand the husbandry and management aspects of zoos that influence establishment of vaccine protocols for animals housed in zoological institutions
  • To identify some of the disease risks to different species housed in zoos

Reichley – 1 hour

This will entail vaccine protocols for aquatic species.

  • Understand how vaccines are implemented into the production cycle of aquatic animals.
  • Learn the unique challenges associated with vaccinology in aquatic animal health.

